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Mexican Insurance for Tow Vehicles "Toads"

tow car

The proper way to insure tow vehicles in Mexico

Many RVers pull a tow car with them on their adventures to Mexico. The tow car, or toad, is essential for RVers who want to go on day trip explorations without the burden of driving a large RV.

Adventure Mexican Insurance insures thousands of RVs with tow cars every year, but there are some very important things you need to know before purchasing your Mexican insurance for your RV and tow vehicle. Please read the information below, but we also recommend that you call our office to ensure that you are purchasing the correct Mexico insurance for your RV and toad.

Important Mexico Insurance Facts for RVs and Tow Cars

You will need 2 separate Mexican insurance policies because each vehicle will require its own individual Mexico insurance policy while that vehicle is driving under its own power.

Policy # 1 - RV policy:

The first Mexican insurance policy will be for your RV, and you will list the tow car as a towed unit on the RV insurance policy. The primary vehicle listed on this insurance policy will be the RV, and the towed unit will be your tow car.

Policy #2 - Tow Vehicle Policy:

The second insurance policy is only for your tow car. The tow car will be listed as the primary vehicle, and it will cover the tow car while it is detached from the RV and driving under its own power.

If that sounds confusing, please call our office so our experienced insurance agents can explain the details or write the Mexico insurance policies for you over the phone. We can then email or fax your insurance policies to you in minutes. 800-485-4075

Example of how to write both Mexican insurance policies for Full Coverage (theft and collision) on both vehicles - the RV and tow car.

In order to explain things more easily, let's use a typical RV and tow vehicle insurance situation:

RV worth $80,000

Tow Car (toad) worth $15,000

The correct way to write Full Coverage Mexico insurance for both vehicles is as follows:

Policy #1 - RV policy:

We will insure the RV for a value of $80,000

We will then list the tow car as a towed unit on this RV policy for a value of $0.

Why $0 dollars?

You will understand in just a moment when you read how to write Mexican insurance policy #2.

Policy # 2 - Tow Car policy:

We will insure the tow car for a value of $15,000

This tow car policy will then cover the tow car for Full Coverage (theft and collision) while the tow car is detached and driving under its own power AND while the tow car is attached to the RV and being towed. So Mexican insurance policy #2 will cover the tow car if it is damaged or stolen while being towed or while driving under its own power.

The reason you leave the value of the tow car at $0 on policy #1 is because there is no need to pay extra insurance premium for the the extra value of the tow car on policy #1. If you listed the tow car for $15,000 value on both policy #1 and policy #2, you would be double insuring your tow car, and you would be paying extra insurance premium for no reason!

Make sense? If not, please call our office so our insurance agents can explain this in further detail. Again, we write thousands of these policies per year, so we know what we are talking about. 800-485-4075

Do Not Make This Mistake Please!

The most common mistake we see when customers write their policies for themselves through our website is the failure to write 2 separate Mexican insurance policies.

Many customers will simply write 1 Mexican insurance policy (Policy # 1) which lists their RV and their tow car as a towed unit, then never write a second policy (policy #2) for the tow vehicle.

This could put you in a position where your Mexican insurance claim could be denied if you were to have an insurance claim on the tow car while it was driving under its own power. In this scenario, the tow car does not have a primary Mexican insurance policy for itself and would not be covered.

Please Do Not Make This Mistake!