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Baja Camping Road Trip

Baja Road Trip

This is what you look like after 2 weeks of camping in Baja!

February 2010 - The President of Adventure Mexican Insurance spent 18 days driving the entire Baja Peninsula in order to provide our customers with the most current Baja road travel information and travel tips.

OK - So you want to drive to Baja - great!

I personally believe that all adventurous spirits should drive the entire Baja Peninsula at least one time in their lives. It is one of the last wild frontiers accessible by vehicle from the US, but every year a portion of the wildness fades due to land development and population growth throughout Baja. So don't put off your plans for too many years! In fact right now - 2010 - is a great year to make the trek because tourist road travel is very low due to the slumping economy and reports of drug gang violence in Mexico. Even though there have not been any murders of US tourists in Baja in recent years, and very few crimes perpetrated against US tourists (no more than any other years), the hype has people scared. So for people who can see through the hype, 2010 is a great year to have Baja all to yourself! I was able to pick the best waterfront camping spots at all of the campgrounds, and I only had to share a panga with 3 other people while whale watching in Guerrero Negro - more whale petting for me!

In the following pages I will attempt to provide you with all of the information you will need to have a happy, successful, and fulfilling Baja road adventure. I had not been able to take a road trip to Baja for a few years (due to work and family commitments), so this latest Baja road trip almost felt like my first time driving the peninsula. I needed to refresh myself with all of the planning, packing, and road routes. My Baja trip and experiences will be used as an example of good ideas and recommendations, but I will also share some pitfalls and mistakes that were made. I hope this Baja road trip guide will be able to help both first time Baja travelers and well seasoned Baja explorers.


The information will be grouped into the following 4 categories listed below:
Pre-Trip Planning, Crossing the Border, Road Log - My Trip, Exiting Mexico

Pre-Trip Planning

I spend a lot of time on the planning section, because your planning can make or break your Baja road trip. Poor planning can seriously hamper your adventure or put you in danger while good thorough planning will help to ensure a safe and happy Baja trip.

Documents Needed

Before embarking on your Baja adventure, you will need to have all of these documents in place.

Choosing Your Baja Vehicle

Your vehicle choice is important for achieving the specific goals of your Baja trip, but don't get too hung up on trying to create the perfect Baja vehicle. Finding your perfect Baja vehicle is learning process that will evolve as you drive multiple times through Baja. Example: If you want to go surfing in as many Baja surf spots as possible, do not assume that you absolutely need a 4X4 truck to have a great Baja surf trip. Many of the great Baja surf spots (some legendary spots that are not very crowded) can easily be accessed with a standard low clearance car. Without a 4X4 high clearance truck you will not be able to access some of the more remote surf/camp spots, but surf conditions and camping may actually be better and less crowded at some of the surf spots accessible by car. Also, don't think you need a 30 foot RV for a great camping trip in Baja. A small Jayco camping trailer or even sleeping in a tent or the back of your SUV may turn out to be even more pleasurable than driving a giant RV through Baja. So don't delay your plans because you do not currently have your ideal fantasy Baja vehicle. You may come up with a totally new concept of your ultimate Baja vehicle once you spend a few weeks driving around and exploring Baja!

Gear for your vehicle and vehicle preparations

Mexican Auto Insurance - Our website offers the best coverage at the best prices

Books on Baja Travel

There is not one definitive Baja book that fully covers all of the information you need. Instead, this collection of books will work together to provide you with the best information on each book's specialized topic.

Planning Your Trip Agenda

Camping or Hotels


Bringing Food and Eating in Baja

Things Not to Bring to Baja

Bringing Pets to Baja

Packing Lists - Complete list of things to bring with you on your Baja Road Trip

Entering Mexico - Crossing the Border - Logistics and Tips

Road Log - activities, campsites, and restaurants I visited (good and bad)

Exiting Mexico - Logistics and Tips